Sunday, November 16, 2014

Bipolar Disorder

This CNN news talks about Bipolar Disorder that is a mental illness that had been affected around 6 milions of Americans suffer from. It's very hard to know the exact number because in sometime people can't detect the diagnostic correct. Another names can describe the same illness as bipolar depression and manic depression.

A disfunction in the glandule amygdala, inside the brain, is responsible for the constantly alteration of humor. Bipolar Disorder, as the name means, represents two mental fases: depression and manic. In the depression state the patient don't desire to do nothing, don't have pleasure to do anything. The manic part of disease is the opposite of depression because the patient become very excited and want to do everything in the same time.

The diagnostic is a challenge and just can be prescripted by doctors. Sometimes the patients are followed by a psychologist in parallel with the clinical treatment. The treatment is based in drugs that try to establish the level of symptoms in long-term, but these drugs can cause other colateral effects as reduction of concentration capacity, sleeplessness, somnolence, and others. All of this symptoms need be informed to doctor to evaluate the correct medicine prescription. 

In my opinion, the mental illness can be classified as the century disease. The constant stress and pressure that people have been suffered in the last century changed the way lifes and it generates the evolution of this kind of disease. Depression, bipolar disorder, suicide, are new words constantly used in the news and day-by-day, more and more people look for treatment in psychiatrists and psychologists.


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