Friday, November 21, 2014

Should Animals Be Used for Scientific or Commercial Testing?

Along the history, animals have been used in scientific tests of drugs and surgeries before studies had been started with humans. This procedure isn’t used only for medical issues, during the space explorations, thousands of thousands animal were sent to space to test the body reactions in a place without gravity force. Nowadays, environmentalists look for the animal’s rights and it should be a long debate in the academic society.

            Proponents of animal argue their view point that research practice is impractical without tests in animal. The science’s evolution need understand the chemical reactions in living body to improve techniques and avoid put in risk human’s life. Ethical regulations were created to protect animals avoid mistreatment and drugs are used to minimize the impacts of pain and suffering.

            In another way, environmentalists protect the animals and require from the academic society other ways to test the drugs. These tests are cruel and inhumane and frequently show irrelevant results.

            Recently, a famous Brazilian research laboratory was invaded by environmentalists and dozens of dog beagles’ breed were freed. It was an invasion that resulted in years and years of researches threw in the garbage and a lot of animals with high potential to transmit diseases and low immunity in unknown homes. The laboratory closed the doors and dozens of scientists and workers were unemployed.

            The science evolution need be developed of some way. No matter the historical facts, nowadays the human life is better because some respectful scientists spent their lives to develop the life’s science. Certainly the research effects in the animals were minimized along the science advance. Maybe in future next animals shouldn’t be required or less required.


The dream to live in the U.S.

The U.S. are the biggest economy of the world and to live in this country is the hope for a better future for foreign people from different countries around the world. Nowadays, the American immigration system is failed and millions and millions of people have lived illegally. For the American government, it’s a big challenge because it’s hard to define what the government need to do to help this people, in another way, how provide this people to a temporary citizenship to provide them the right to contribute rightfully with the American economic. This kind of issue made the President Obama adopted some decisions about immigration illegals and border's protection to contain the magnitude of this problem.

The news “Obama: ‘You can come out the shadows”, by Jim Acosta and Stephen Collisson at CNN in November 21, 2014 talks about the government decision to difficult the entrance in the U.S for unauthorized outsides. It demonstrates a video recorded in Washington with Obama’s pronouncement about the question.

Obama shows his personal concern about this problem and tried to measure his words to avoid a national collapse between the American citizens and illegal immigrants. He clarified that the government don’t want deports millions and millions of people, it isn’t his characteristic. He used the statement: "If you meet the criteria, you can come out of the shadows and get right with the law. If you're a criminal, you'll be deported. If you plan to enter the U.S. illegally, your chances of getting caught and sent back just went up”.

In another part of his speech, he explain that the next actions aren’t so different of the law enforcement actions. All of the criminals should be deported as constantly happens, first of all it should be the action’s focus. The other focus should be legalizing temporarily immigrants that spent more than five years in the U.S to give them some rights and to possibility to participate actively of the American economy.

His actions are condemned by the politic opposition and probably the next President should make changes in this position about illegal immigration. How to make rights for illegal people is a big challenge for the current government and any action adopted can cause irreversible effects in society as all.

To conclude, something need be done but every action need be studied at maximum before be adopted. The government’s concern make sense and the first action to be done is the effective control of borders to avoid the increase of the problem. Others action should be adopted along the years to minimize the mass impact and guarantee a security country for all the people that living there and classify the U.S not just as a big economic nation, but as a country that acknowledge citizens’ rights.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Bipolar Disorder

This CNN news talks about Bipolar Disorder that is a mental illness that had been affected around 6 milions of Americans suffer from. It's very hard to know the exact number because in sometime people can't detect the diagnostic correct. Another names can describe the same illness as bipolar depression and manic depression.

A disfunction in the glandule amygdala, inside the brain, is responsible for the constantly alteration of humor. Bipolar Disorder, as the name means, represents two mental fases: depression and manic. In the depression state the patient don't desire to do nothing, don't have pleasure to do anything. The manic part of disease is the opposite of depression because the patient become very excited and want to do everything in the same time.

The diagnostic is a challenge and just can be prescripted by doctors. Sometimes the patients are followed by a psychologist in parallel with the clinical treatment. The treatment is based in drugs that try to establish the level of symptoms in long-term, but these drugs can cause other colateral effects as reduction of concentration capacity, sleeplessness, somnolence, and others. All of this symptoms need be informed to doctor to evaluate the correct medicine prescription. 

In my opinion, the mental illness can be classified as the century disease. The constant stress and pressure that people have been suffered in the last century changed the way lifes and it generates the evolution of this kind of disease. Depression, bipolar disorder, suicide, are new words constantly used in the news and day-by-day, more and more people look for treatment in psychiatrists and psychologists.


Sunday, November 2, 2014

Did you get your flu shot?

The winter is coming and right now is the time to get the flu shot. The National Foundation for Infectious Diseases and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention sent a message for all Americans.

This year the rule for the vacination is different comparing to the last year. Almost 60% of the people with the influenza virus were people between 18 and 64 years, this age group definitely should be vaccinated this year.

Children between 2 and 8 years should get a modified flu shot called FluMist. It's a kind of spray vaccine that protects for four kinds of virus.

For pregnant women or for those expecting, the vaccine isn't recommended because it's a live vaccine.

In some other cases, the recommendation is to get three flu shots of vaccine. This kind of high-dose is the best protection against the flu.

The people over 65 years should get a combination vaccine to fight other diseases with pneumocal vaccines.

This protection is very effective for the flu virus and influenza virus. Another kind of illness like Enterovirus D68 can't be protected from this flu shot, said Dr. Paul Offit, director of the Vaccine Education Center for the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. The symptoms are almost the same and sometimes the hospitals receive both kinds of clinical cases at the same time. This kind of virus can infect a person at the same time, but this isn't very common.

Offit says that more than 100 youngs died last season from influenza. He recommends to parents to pay attention to the season and the risks of their children's life. He looks for the solution to see the importance of the diseases and to control them by this vaccine. It's so important and so easy to avoid dangerous risks to these people lives.

The pharmacy industry is able to provide to the market approximately 150 milion doses of the flu vaccine. The time to get the vaccine is now!!
