Sunday, October 26, 2014

The Democracy in Brazil: Dilma Roussef was re-elected

     Today, October 26th, 2014 the world expected by the Brazilian's elections. After a big campaign between the current president Dilma Roussef and the oposition candidate Aécio Neves, Dilma Roussef was re-elected by more than 51% of the valid votes.
     The year 2013 was marked by a lot of manifestation publics when the electorate looked for responses for the corruption, security, education and health. The new generation haven't seen this kind of manifestation before. In 1990 other Brazilian's president, Fernando Collor de Melo had a impeachment and the main moviment was called “Painted Faces”.
     Nowadays the people are looking for the changes. The Work Party, whole Dilma Roussef represents, governs Brazil for the least 12 years and it's known by social politics, to reduce the poverty in Brazil and to increase others social's indicators.
     Otherwise, the Aécio Neves represents the economic change. He governed Minas Gerais for eight years and now tried to occupate the main Brazilian's chair.
     The election was marked for personal attacks between the candidates since the first round. In the second round it was increased and evidente. In each debate the both candidates had critics about the other party and the government that they represented. Never in the history the personal theme shows more evident than the economic and grow up theme.
     The response to this country corrupt and without hope for millions Brazilian happened today. The Brazil was divided in two areas, the north and poorest country with a lot of people that receive governiment incentives and the South, the richest contry with the most concentration of income in the country. So, the president Dilma Roussef was re-elected with the expressive votes in the north. In some states the president received more than 70% of the valid votes. In other way, the Aécio Neves won in the Sao Paulo state, the “economic heart”, with almost 65% of the votes.
     In the next four years the citizens will be the opportunity to analise the current government and decide about the next election in 2018. Now is the time to join the Brazil to the unique goal, grow up, eliminate the poverty, invest in education and in science and technology, invest in research and each year became this place in a good country to live and again the citizens start to say: “I'm proud to be Brazilian”.

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