Sunday, September 28, 2014

Cultural differences between classes in the USA and Brazil

Today, I'll talk about some cultural differences between the classes in the USA and Brazil. I have already one month here in the USA and I just had english class in the WESL course but in this few days I could feel some differences that represents aspects of each culture and the format of the class represents a feature for the current culture.

When I arrived here the first impact in the class is the time to start. In Brazil the classes starts at 7am or 8am in some cases. It's happen because usually the students have to do the academic course and work in the same period of the life. In the USA the classes starts at 9 or 9:30am. I believe that the classes starts this time because of the intense winter that have temperatures below 0 graus Celsius and can reach like -20 degrees Celsius. Really it can make a difference in the student's day if is possible wake up and go to the class with the light sun. I believe it's more motivator.

Another difference that I seem is the american culture to starts the meetings every on-time. In the USA usually don't have any delay between the time of the meeting and the real time to starts. In Brazil I can't say the same because the often of delays are constantly and the people go to the meeting expecting by the delay. It's a kind of cultural difference that in resume make the people waste less time to go to a meeting and consequently this time can be used to do another activities during the day.

The duration of the class for me is the most important difference. While in the Brazil each class in the undergraduate course have about two hours of duration, in the USA each class have just 50 minutes and this time is só fruitful like the same classe in Brazil. It's happen because the class starts and ends in the programed time like I told in the last paragraph and the students can't use a mobile phone during the class. It's a confortable time to improve the knowledgement without access the social networks and another on-line programs.

During this time that I spent here I had a pleasure experience with this kind of teach method and I believe that doesn't exist a ideal format. I believe that exist a ideal format in common accord to the culture that the class is insert. The people can be adaptated to the culture in few time, but it's necessary practice and patience during this period.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting, it is always fun to compare the differences of cultures. I noticed similar differences between teaching in the United States and in Turkey. In the United States everyone comes to the first day and week of class -- it is important to know the teacher's expectations and to receive the syllabus. In Turkey students show up weeks into the semester and do not feel it is important to have missed several classes. It always boggled my mind!
