Sunday, September 28, 2014

Cultural differences between classes in the USA and Brazil

Today, I'll talk about some cultural differences between the classes in the USA and Brazil. I have already one month here in the USA and I just had english class in the WESL course but in this few days I could feel some differences that represents aspects of each culture and the format of the class represents a feature for the current culture.

When I arrived here the first impact in the class is the time to start. In Brazil the classes starts at 7am or 8am in some cases. It's happen because usually the students have to do the academic course and work in the same period of the life. In the USA the classes starts at 9 or 9:30am. I believe that the classes starts this time because of the intense winter that have temperatures below 0 graus Celsius and can reach like -20 degrees Celsius. Really it can make a difference in the student's day if is possible wake up and go to the class with the light sun. I believe it's more motivator.

Another difference that I seem is the american culture to starts the meetings every on-time. In the USA usually don't have any delay between the time of the meeting and the real time to starts. In Brazil I can't say the same because the often of delays are constantly and the people go to the meeting expecting by the delay. It's a kind of cultural difference that in resume make the people waste less time to go to a meeting and consequently this time can be used to do another activities during the day.

The duration of the class for me is the most important difference. While in the Brazil each class in the undergraduate course have about two hours of duration, in the USA each class have just 50 minutes and this time is só fruitful like the same classe in Brazil. It's happen because the class starts and ends in the programed time like I told in the last paragraph and the students can't use a mobile phone during the class. It's a confortable time to improve the knowledgement without access the social networks and another on-line programs.

During this time that I spent here I had a pleasure experience with this kind of teach method and I believe that doesn't exist a ideal format. I believe that exist a ideal format in common accord to the culture that the class is insert. The people can be adaptated to the culture in few time, but it's necessary practice and patience during this period.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Brazil lost the Volleyball Men's World to Poland

Today was a terrible day to the Brazilian's sport. The volleyball men team lost the title in the Poland to the national team. The both teams did a excellent championship but in the final just one can receive the title of the best world's team and this time was the Poland.

During the championship the Brazilian team lost just one play to the same team, Poland. This team eliminates one of the greatest teams like Russia with his giants and Italy in the semifinal. Brazil won the lasts three titles in 2002, 2006 and 2010 and now tried to get the fourth and consecutive title but the incredible red and white team obstructed this dream.

The championship happened in the Poland in Katowice and in the lasts plays the arena was completely full with more than eleven thousands of seats. The colors red and white occupied all of the places in the arena in a mix of screams and the word "Poland" the team won the play by 3x1 and gave to the Poland the second title after forty years. Since 1974 Poland didn't receives this title.

The Brazilian team won the first set, but in the another three the Poland team could show us the really volleyball. When the Brazilian team receives the silver medal, some players talk to the interviewer that the opaque shine of this medal should be like a school to the preparation to the Olympics Games that will happened in 2016 in Rio de Janeiro - Brazil. The historic of the Brazilian team in the Olympics Games isn't so better than in the World championship because in the lasts two games the player received the silver medal too.

Despite of slaughtered two player received the title of the best players in them positions. In the interviews they told that the collective medal should be better to the Brazil to contributed to the expectation of the Brazilian people and to show to the world that we are the best volleyball of the world.

It's easy to see by the analyzes of the statistics because in the last years the Brazilian team was in all of the final of the mains championship of the world. So it's true! Brazil gets the best volleyball of the world, no matter the position in the podium or the quality of the medal, we have champions for ever.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

The Winter is Coming! Are you prepared?

The winter in the USA is coming and some researches are talking about that this one will be the most strongest winter of the younger people could see.

Raoul Stockton published in the Health/Fitness, Science/Tech on September 6,2014 that the phenomenon meteorologic El Nino will be the responsible to the increase of the snowfall in entire the USA. In some places, the quantity of snow can be multiplied per 5 in comparison to the last winter, in others places the snow will to get records 20 times more than last winter as related Boris Scvediok, a doctor of global weather sciences, "record shattering snow storms across the board, affecting the entire United States."

Everybody should be prepared to this winter. The American public and mainly each one in his home with the winter emergency kit all right and the supply necessary ti this kind of stronger winter. Specialists show that the snow will cause the shortage and the price of the some products like milk and bread will increase substantially. The people are encourage to maintain a stock of this products in his cupboard and freeze. Bread can be freeze without prejudice the taste and other characteristics, as well the people can get the powered milk.

This will be my first winter with snow. The winter in Brazil is not so stronger, I felt temperatures no less than 8 degrees Celsius (46 degrees Fahrenheit). I need be prepared, so I asked some information to the advisor Marlene Forman and David Bell about the kind of winter clothes that I need get and where I can get this one.

I'm so excited for the winter, but I know that it will be an experience incredible with the positives and negatives points. So I expect to enjoy this moment like something that starts and the end is coming.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Is the World prepared to fight the Ebola virus?

Nowadays, Africa has been suffering the most epidemic of Ebola of the history. This virus is so dangerous and expand so fast by the air and the world are so worried about what can be happened in the next days, weeks, months and years. How to combat the Ebola proliferation? What is the cure to this disease? What will be the future of the poor Africa? These are questions that the world would like to answer quickly but no yet have response to it.

Alexandra Sifferlin in her article"Window to Stop Ebola Outbreak is "Closing Quickly", Official Warns" in the talk about the increase of the people infected and the overwhelming of the doctors that works in the infected areas "The number of cases is so large, the epidemics so overwhelming and it requires an overwhelming response".

The World Health Organization and another groups like Doctors Without Borders are trying to help the countries infected but everybody that have contact with this areas are propitious to be infected too. However some doctors contracted this disease.

Another point that need be thought by the specialists is about the control of borders and the necessity of supplies to another citizens. It's indispensable to maintain the others citizens with the health and dignity while the scientists trying to find a cure to this disease. The people needs receive instructions about this virus and how to be protected. Some specifics rituals need be adapted to avoid the proliferation of the virus like the burial rituals.

So, it isn't a specific problem of the Africa continent. It's a problem that all of the world need be prepared and have to pay attention about what will be in the future of the world. Really this disease means a big challenge for the science and for the world. It's a big unknown and we can't predict how many time we need life with this virus between us.